all (one has) 意味
- all (one has)
- all all pron., n. 残らず, 全部. 【動詞+】 I'm sorry. We did all that was humanly
- all that one has all that one has 有りったけ 有りっ丈 ありったけ
- all the money one has 有り金全部
- robbed of all one has 《be ~》身ぐるみはぎ取られる
- with all one has 精いっぱい、持てるすべてをつぎ込んで
- all one has to one's name 全財産{ぜん ざいさん}
- all one has to do is do ただ~しさえすればよい
- lose all that one has gained 元の木阿弥になる
- feel as if all one's strength has gone 体中{からだじゅう}の力が抜けてしまったように感じる
- invest all one has in an enterprise 全財産を挙げて事業に投資する
- get rid of all of the pent-up energy that one has inside of one 自分{じぶん}の体の中にため込んだうっ積{せき}したエネルギーを発散{はっさん}させる
- taking advantage of all the time that one has at one's disposal 暇にあかせて
- count up all the things one has done during the day 昼間{ひるま}したことをすべて数え上げる
- all someone has to do is (人)がすべきことは~だけだ、(人)は~しさえすればよい All you have to do is just wait and see. 君はただ見守るだけでよい。
- all that has appeared 既刊分{きかん ぶん}